© 2022 JBBA

Japan Bloodhorse Breeders' Association Personal Information Protection Policy

The Japan Bloodhorse Breeders' Association (hereinafter referred to as the "Association") shall comply with laws relating to the protection of personal information (including names, dates of birth, e-mail addresses and all other information that can be used to identify existing individuals) and endeavor to protect and ensure the safety of personal information in accordance with the following policy.

  1. Acquisition and Use of Personal Information
    The Association shall obtain personal information through proper procedures, including confirming what purpose the information will be used for and that it will not be used for any other purpose.
  2. Restrictions on Supplying Personal Information to Third Parties
    The Association shall not supply or disclose personal information to a third party without the prior consent of the party concerned, except when necessary to meet legal requirements.
  3. Management of Personal Information
    The Association shall manage personal information carefully and securely, and take appropriate measures to prevent the loss, alteration, leakage, etc. thereof.
  4. Disclosure, Modification, Addition, Deletion etc., of Personal Information
    The Association recognizes the right of persons to demand, for example, the disclosure or modification of, the making of additions to, the deletion of or the ceasing of the use of personal information that identifies them and shall comply with such requests promptly.
  5. Supervision of Outside Contractors that Handle Personal Information
    In the event the Association outsources the handling of all or some of the personal information in its possession to an outside contractor, it shall require the contractor to manage the information securely and shall supervise the contractor to the extent that is necessary and appropriate.

Ensuring the Protection of Personal Information

The Association shall ensure that its employees, officers, and business partners (including outside contractors) are made aware of this policy and shall provide them with the instructions and training necessary to raise awareness of the importance of personal information protection and to ensure the proper implementation of this policy.

Japan Bloodhorse Breeders' Association