15 September, 2020
To Hokkaido Sales Customers
Mitsugu Kimura
Hokkaido Sales President
We at the Hokkaido Sales are always grateful for your patronage of our sales.
Please find below information concerning the format for this year's Hokkaido Autumn Sale.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation and look forward to seeing you at our sales.
Format for the Hokkaido Autumn Sale:
The Sale will be conducted in a Regular Format (with live bidding in person).
・ Buyers will be invited to attend the sale and make bids in person.
― Important Notice ―
Strict measures will be implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19. (Please refer to separate notice concerning virus countermeasures.)
Lots for Autumn Sale by date
We will make further announcements should future circumstances require us to change the format.
Please contact our representative below for further details:
Satomi Oka (Ms)
Satomi Oka Bloodstock Pty Ltd
E-mail : satomi@bloodstock.jp
Tel : +61 414 414 450