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2016 Hokkaido Training Sale is coming up in May!

28 April, 2016

2016 Hokkaido Training Sale is coming up in May!

 The Hokkaido Training Sale of 2-year-olds is fast approaching! MAURICE, the winner of the recent Champions Mile and the 2015 Longines Hong Kong Mile (both Int-G1), was purchased at this sale in 2013 for US$86,620. In addition, MAURICE has won 2 G1 races in Japan, with current earnings of over US$ 5,500,000.
 The Hokkaido Training Sale is one of the few opportunities for you to purchase ready to run 2-year-olds in Japan. Come to Hokkaido and find the next MAURICE!

Hokkaido Training Sale Details:
  ●Horses on offer: Ready to run 2-year-olds
  ●Venue: JRA Sapporo Racecourse
    May 22 (Sun)
        Pre-sale horse inspections: 10:00 ~16:00
       23 (Mon)
        Breeze-ups: 10:00 ~
       24 (Tue)
        Sale: 10:00 ~
 ●Number of expected lots: 253

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At the Hokkaido Training Sale, we provide a wide range of information on the horses offered.

〈Information Available Pre-Sale〉

1. Video of work-outs (DVD)
  Videos of the horses' work outs were taken in mid-April and can be made available as a DVD upon request.

2. On-line work-out videos
  Videos of the horses' work-outs can be seen on-line after April 30 (Sat) at the following URL:

3. On-line Repository
  X-rays of the limbs and upper airway endoscope videos that have been submitted will be available for viewing on-line from 15:00 on May 19 (Thu) at the following URL:

4. Anabolic Steroid Testing
  Ay horse from which anabolic steroids are detected in pre-sale testing will be excluded from the Sale. This testing has been conducted for the Training Sale from 2014, and all horses in the sale since then have passed the testing.

5. Printed English Sales Catalogues
  The printed catalogue will be sent out in early May to anyone requesting a copy.

6. On-line English Sales Catalogues
  The catalogue is available at the following URL:

〈Information available at the Sale〉

7. Breeze-ups
  Breeze-ups will be conducted at Sapporo Racecourse from 10:00 on May 23 (Mon).

8. Repository
  X-rays of the limbs and videos of the upper airway of sale horses will be available for examination at a designated area in the sales complex.

9. Inspection of Horses
  Horses will be available for individual inspection in the stable area of the Racecourse.
10. Preferred Minimum Sale Price
  The seller's preferred minimum sale price will be made available for each horse in the Sale.

11. Horse Measurements
  Measurements of each horse including the height, heart girth, cannon circumference and weight will be made available.

Please contact our representative below for further details:

Satomi Oka (Ms)
Satomi Oka Bloodstock Pty Ltd
E-mail : satomi@bloodstock.jp
Tel : +61 414 414 450